Reporting that everyone stood for Gloria at St Patrick's Cathedral in Melbourne with Archbishop Hart as principal celebrant.


About John Lilburne



1600 K Sun 23 Jun 2002

Everyone stood for the Kyrie and Gloria today at St Patrick's Cathedral in Melbourne. It is the only time I can recall that Archbishop Hart has done this at the 1100 "Solemn Mass" at the cathedral.

Standing for the Kyrie and Gloria is required by the liturgical books, as I wrote to Archbishop Hart in my letter two months ago.

There was special music for today's Mass, according to the booklet it was "the First Performance of Te Deum Mass by Richard Proulx". It had the Gloria in English, instead of Latin, which is normally used at this Mass.

Another feature of the Mass was that Paul Newton was the deacon, having been studying in Rome. He is being ordained as a priest on Saturday.

Copyright J.R. Lilburne, 23 June 2002. Last updated 15 July 2002.

Other sites:

Archbishop Hart's homily for this Mass (which I thought was particularly good)