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Offertory Song, Procession and Collection

221. According to IG 139, "if there is a procession of the gifts, the liturgical song for the preparation of the gifts begins". This requires that there be a song to accompany the procession, although there may be a song without the procession (IG 74).

2002 IG makes this conclusion, that "there may be a song without the procession", more explicit -- by changes to 2002 IG 74 and 139.

222. The song may be sung by the choir alone, the people or alternately. Sung alternately is by the choir and people, or by the cantor and people. The song is to have the text approved by the Conference of Bishops, or be from the Gradulae Romanum or The Simple Gradual. (IG 74).

223. According to IG 73 "This is the time to receive money or other gifts for the poor or the Church brought by the faithful or collected at the Mass". No provision is made for a second collection at another time.

224. If there is a procession, the bread and wine are received by the celebrant, assisted by the deacon, acolyte or other minister. (IG 178, IG 140).

225. For a Stational Mass, "the faithful should present the bread and wine ... and even other gifts to meet the needs of the Church and of the poor". The deacons or the bishop receives the gifts of the faithful at a convenient place." (CB 145).



Copyright J.R. Lilburne, 18 March 2002. Last updated 15 April 2002.